Welcome to
A retreat to your inner sanctum
Deep within you is this tranquil place of Unconditional Love and Light. Take a journey, and bathe in unconditional love.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a simple, natural modality that promotes healing by reducing stress. Rei means spiritual wisdom and Ki means life force energy. When our life force energy is low it can create dis-ease. Reiki brings in life force energy that enhances the immune system and accelerates the body’s innate healing ability. It treats the person on the physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual levels. Reiki is a wonderful complementary treatment alongside medical and therapeutic techniques to promote feelings of peace and well-being. During the treatment you will experience the radiant energy of Reiki around and within you.
Happy Notes
Professional member | Reiki Membership Association & Center for Reiki Research

Hello, I’m Purnima!
founder of new earth reiki.
international reiki master teacher.
I facilitate transformational reiki training in
holy fire®️ III / Karuna®️ / new earth and icrt animal reiki.
My story is a testament to the resilience that we humans have. How, through challenges, we transform and come into alignment with our soul mission.
I have always followed my heart and it has led me to where I am today.
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You are a magnificent being!
You are here on this Earth plane, at this point in time, with a very specific purpose. Your journey is unique. Your path is unique. You bring specific gifts to share with the world. It is only when you go within, you can discover your purpose and your gifts.
For thousands of years humans have listened to outer authority. The human collective is shifting to sovereignty. You are a Divine Sovereign Being. Sovereignty brings immense power that can positively shift every facet of your life.
The Inner Journey can lead you to the dark places within.
You may discover things about you that you may wish that you didn’t know. Reiki allows you to clear and transmute this dark energy. The first step to transformation is awareness. When the shadows are cleared you create space to bring in more Light and true healing.
Holy Fire Reiki Training
Anyone can learn Reiki. There are no prerequisites for taking the Holy Fire Reiki I & II course. You could be practicing other healing modalities, you could be a healthcare professional, a teacher, a financial advisor, or perhaps an artist, you get it! Regardless of your profession, you would benefit from the training. Reiki is the best complementary modality and can add powerful tools to your toolbox. Reiki I & II class can be pivotal in your personal healing and your spiritual journey. What participants are saying: Holy Fire Reiki I & II Course.
My Reiki II Class has four symbols instead of three.
In the spring of 2020, I started channeling a new frequency. On March 5th, 2021 I received the name and symbol for that frequency. I was guided to teach and attune my Reiki II students to this new frequency. The experiences of those who received this placement (attunement) have been next level!